The Baptist Church, Taringa
[Photograph by David Vann (June 2012)]
Historical and Technical Documentation by Geoffrey Cox
© OHTA 2012, 2017 (last updated August 2017)
The Baptist congregation at Taringa was established in 1897,1 and the present church was built around 1979.2
Interior of the Baptist Church, Taringa
[Photograph by David Vann (May 2012)]
The organ was built around 1957 for the former church at this location by H.W. Jarrott of Brisbane.3 Bert Jarrott (1930-2017) had previously worked with Whitehouse Bros for a short period, and this was the first organ he built after setting up his own business. The console was secondhand. The pipework, which came from L. Verschueren, Heythuysen, Netherlands, was entirely enclosed.4 The organ was moved from the old church into the present building when it was opened around 1979. The console of the organ was removed and placed in storage around 2007.5 The instrument was removed by David Cahill of Warwick in the first half of 2013, in the hope of finding it a new home.6
Remnants of the Jarrott organ in the Baptist Church, Taringa
[Photograph by David Vann (May 2012)]
MANUAL (enclosed) Dulciana Lieblich Gedact Principal COUPLERS Swell Sub Swell Super |
8 8 4 |
No pedals
Direct electric action.7
1 Eric Kopittke, A Century of the Taringa Baptist Church: Celebrating the Centenary of the Formation of the Taringa Baptist Church 1897-1997 (Taringa Baptist Church, 1997).
2 Date supplied to G. Cox by Bruce Pringle (Pastor), June 2012.
3 Date supplied to G. Cox by H.W. Jarrott, 1974.
4 Personal Communication to G. Cox from David Cahill, October 2013.
5 Personal communication to G. Cox from David Vann, May 2012.
6 Personal Communication to G. Cox from David Cahill, October 2013.
7 Specification noted by G. Cox, May 1974.