Historical and Technical Documentation by Geoffrey Cox
© OHTA 2012, 2013 (last updated May 2013)
The congregation of the Methodist Church, Nundah, was established in 1847. The Union Street Church was opened on 2 April 1882, and they joined the Uniting Church in Australia in 1977. The church was severely damaged in January 1985 by a wind and hail storm, and the congregation was relocated in 1987 to the former Anglican Church in Hows Road.1 The old church and associated buildings in Union Street were sold to the Lutherans, who were in the process of developing an aged care facility, Zion Lutheran Home on the adjacent property.
The organ formerly in this church was built by B.B. Whitehouse & Co. of Brisbane. The Whitehouse Bros list gives the date as 1910, but this was possibly the date a contract was signed. It was not until April 1913 that a quarterly meeting of the leaders and stewards reported that 'the new organ was erected in the church.'2 The instrument was opened on Sunday 18 May, and a recital was given on Tuesday 20 May by Mr R.J. Archibald and members of the West End Methodist Choir.3
Although designed as a two-manual organ (including a two-manual console), only the Great and Pedal Organs were completed at first.4 The 'new Swell Organ' was added at a cost of £300 by Whitehouse Bros in 1924.5
Interior of the Methodist Church, Nundah,
in preparation for a wedding in 1950.
[Photograph supplied by David Vann]
GREAT Open Diapason Stopped Diapason Dulciana Flute SWELL Violin Diapason Lieblich Gedact Salicional Oboe PEDAL Bourdon COUPLERS Swell to Great Great to Pedal Swell to Pedal Swell Octave Great Octave |
8 8 8 4 8 8 8 8 16 |
[1924] [1924] [1924] [1924] |
Detached stop-key console
Tubular pneumatic action
Balanced Swell Pedal
2 thumb pistons to Great
2 thumb pistons to Swell.6
Following storm damage in 1985, some parts of the organ were removed to storage by David Hudd. The instrument was listed for sale in 1992,7 but remained in storage until being sold to David Cahill of Warwick in 1995. Three of the ranks have been incorporated into the organ at Scots PGC, Warwick, and one into Ray Smith's organ at the Christadelphian Hall, Wellers Hill.
1 Barbara Burridge (ed), Nundah Uniting Church Parish 1847-1997: sesquicentenary (Nundah, 1997), pp. 1, 51, 62.
2 The Brisbane Courier (10 April 1913), p. 8.
3 The Brisbane Courier (22 May 1913), p. 8.
4 Personal communication to G. Cox from Mr Joe Whitehouse, c.1974.
5 Whitehouse Bros Ledger (1922-1940), p. 174; Date clarified from Whitehouse Bros List.
6 Collected Organ Specifications of Bernie Brohan (c.1952) and Ian Tucker (c.1970).
7 The Organ Voice, vol. 19, no. 6 (June 1992), p. 25; The Organ Voice, vol. 19, no. 7 (August 1992), p. 18.