Historical and Technical Documentation by Geoffrey Cox
© OHTA 2012 (last updated July 2012)
This was the final location of a small practice organ built in 1981 by Peter Burton, a harpsichord maker of Melbourne, for the residence of Graeme Morton in Taringa. It moved to two other residences after being purchased by Dr Graeme Westacott: first to his residence at Wangan (near Innisfail) in 1985, and then to this location around 1990.
MANUAL I Gedact [Principal] MANUAL II Flute Quint PEDAL no stops COUPLERS II/I I/Ped II/Ped |
8 2 4 1-1/3 |
Mechanical action.1
The instrument was sold to W.J. Simon Pierce around 1992, and broken up. The metal Flute 4ft stop was subsequently used in Pierce's organ at St George's Anglican Church, Eagle Heights.2
1 Details supplied by H.W. Jarrott, 1982, Graeme Morton, 1986, and Graeme Westacott, 2012.
2 Personal communication to G. Cox from Simon Pierce, January 2002.