The specification is:
Great Bourdon Principal Rohr Flute Octave Flute Nazard Octave Tierce Mixture Trumpet Swell Salicional Celeste Gedackt Gemshorn Sifflute Quint Mixture Dulzian Schalmey Tremulant Pedal Sub Bass Principal Gedackt Choral Bass Mixture Gedackt Posaune Trumpet Schalmey Couplers Swell to Great Swell to Pedal Great to Pedal |
16 8 8 4 4 2-2/3 2 1-3/5 IV 8 8 8 8 4 2 1-1/3 III 16 8 16 8 8 4 III 16 8 4 |
Compass: 58/30
Mechanical action for the manuals and pedals
Electro-pneumatic stop action
5 thumb pistons to Great organ
5 thumb pistons to Swell organ
5 toe pistons to Pedal organ
1 general cancel piston
One reversible toe pistons 'Swell to Great'
One reversible toe pistons 'Swell to Pedal
One reversible toe pistons Great to Pedal
1 stop knob 'Great & Pedal combinations coupled'
1 stop knob 'Great & Swell combinations coupled'
The 15 thumb and toe pistons for Great, Swell and Pedal are adjustable by the 'capture' system.
Specification taken from The Sydney Organ Journal, May 1978.
[Photographs: Dominic Perissinotto April 2015]