Don Clark's hybrid organ
[Photograph by Geoffrey Cox (January 2016)]
Historical and Technical Documentation by Geoffrey Cox
© OHTA 2016, 2020 (last updated January 2020)
Always intended as a hybrid organ, this instrument has been under construction by Don Clark since the 1980s. It originally used an old Compton console, which was replaced around 2010 by a Rodgers console (c.1974) formerly at Christ Church Anglican Cathedral, Ballarat, Vic. The analogue components of the Rodgers console were removed and replaced by Don Clark's digital components.
The Rodgers console of c.1974,
With analogue components replaced by Don Clark
[Photograph by Trevor Bunning (July 2014)]
The success of the sound from the digital ranks is enhanced by the ample use of speakers, there being 25 speakers in the Swell box alone.
Interior of the Swell Box
[Photographs by Don Clark (undated)]
A MIDI (musical instrument digital interface) connection links the console to the computer, which is located in the next room, along with the bellows for the real pipes, and access doors to the Swell Box.
The computer operating the digital components
[Photograph by Geoffrey Cox (January 2016)]
The bellows and doors providing access to the Swell Box
[Photograph by Geoffrey Cox (January 2016)]
Of the six ranks of pipes in the organ, five originate from the J.W. Walker & Sons organ built in 1880 for the Congregational Church, Burwood, NSW. The other rank (Gt. Octave 4') was obtained from John Parker of Sydney.
Façade of the organ,
showing the Great pipework
[Photograph by Don Clark (undated)]
The six ranks of pipes are as follows:
GREAT Principal Octave Flûte harmonique SWELL Rohrflote Principal PEDAL Bourdon |
8 4 4 8 4 16 |
[to bottom GG only] [full compass] [full compass] [Tenor C] full compass] bottom octave only] |
Walker 1880 [from John Parker] Walker 1880 Walker 1880 Walker 1880 Walker 1880 |
Compass: 61/32.1
1 Details supplied by Don Clark, January 2016.