St Andrew's Presbyterian Church
Vivian Street, Inverell
Whitehouse Bros, Brisbane, 1927
2 manuals, 11 speaking stops, tubular-pneumatic action
St Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Inverell
[Photograph by Trevor Bunning (September 2007)]
Historical and Technical Documentation by Kelvin Hastie and Pastór de Lasala
© OHTA 1998, 2013 (last updated February 2013)
Originally part of the Wellington Charge (later Glen Innes), Inverell probably held its first service with The Revd A. Cameron in 1853. It was likely that services were held in the home of Mr Collin Ross and thereafter in a wooden church built in 1859 in the lower part of the town near the river. It was not until 1874 that it was decided to erect a more worthy structure for worship, built on higher ground above the previous flood level of 1872. In 1878 the handsome gothic-style brick church, which is still in use, was opened for public worship.1
This classified heritage church features a prominent corner tower and is in a dominant streetscape position. Its sound construction, picturesque massing and characteristic interior design make it typical of mid-Victorian church design in a prosperous town. The interior features three lancet windows with a rose window to the west end. The ceiling has diagonal boarding with modified king post trusses. Other features include Edwardian light fittings and a good deal of stained glass commemorating many of the pioneers of Inverell.2 Of interest is the fact that this church was considered at the time to be extravagant in its size, ornateness and fittings, and that it was the winning entry in a competition for £50.3
[Photograph by Trevor Bunning (September 2007)]
In October 1927 a pipe organ at a cost of £1,200 was presented by Mrs Braith Turner, daughter of Mr P.C. Campbell, in memory of her father.4 Built by Whitehouse Bros, Brisbane, the firm's ledger entry refers separately to the 'Cedar Case' supplied at a cost of £10.5
The instrument was repaired (cleaning and puffers re-leathered) in 1977.
The 1927 Whitehouse Bros organ
[Photographs by Trevor Bunning (September 2007)]
The specification is:
Open Diapason
Stop Diapason
Lieblich Flute
Violin Diapason
Lieblich Gedact
Bass Flute
Swell to Great
Swell to Pedal
Great to Pedal
Swell Octave
Swell Sub Octave
Swell Octave to Great
Swell Sub to Great
2 thumb pistons & cancel to Great
2 thumb pistons & cancel to Swell
Balanced swell pedal
Compass: 61/30
Tubular-pneumatic action6
Console details of the 1927 Whitehouse Bros organ
[Photographs by Trevor Bunning (September 2007)]
1 White, The Revd C.A., The Challenge of the Years: A History . . . pp.368-369.
2 lnformation courtesy of Inverell Shire Council, June 1998.
3 Wiedemann, E., World of its Own - Inverell's Early Years (Inverell, 1981), p.101 .
4 The Sydney Morning Herald (22 Oct 1927), p. 10; cited in Rushworth G.D., Historic Organs of New South Wales: The Instruments, Their Makers and Players, 1791-1940 (Sydney: Hale & Iremonger, 1988), p.207.
5 Whitehouse Bros Ledger (1922-1940), p. 308.
6 Specification supplied by Kevin Whitehouse, per David Vann, to John Maidment 30 September 1980; also by The Revd. Peter Thornecroft to Kelvin Hastie, July 1998, and from Trevor Bunning photographs, September 2007.