The 1959 Laukhuff / Whitehouse organ
[Photograph by Simon Colvin (January 2009)]
Historical and Technical Documentation by Geoffrey Cox
© OHTA 2012, 2016 (last updated October 2016)
This instrument was installed in 1959 by Whitehouse Bros at St James' Anglican Church, Kelvin Grove.1 It was one of two extension organs installed in Brisbane at the time by the Whitehouse firm, both of which were built in their entirety by Aug. Laukhuff of Weikersheim, W. Germany. The other, at St Ignatius' Catholic Church, Toowong, was slightly smaller.2
The 1959 Laukhuff / Whitehouse organ
photographed at St James' Anglican Church, Kelvin Grove
[Photograph by Geoffrey Cox (January 2004)]
When the Kelvin Grove parish became unable to maintain the instrument, it was acquired by W.J. Simon Pierce and installed in its present location in 2008 for use as a practice organ.3
Enclosed pipework of the 1959 Laukhuff / Whitehouse organ
[Photograph by Simon Colvin (January 2009)]
GREAT Bourdon Open Diapason Octave Flute Quint Principal Piccolo Oboe SWELL Stopped Diapason Prestant Gedeckt Octave Quint Oboe PEDAL Bourdon Diapason Flute Flute Principal Oboe |
16 8 4 4 2-2/3 2 2 8 8 4 4 2 1-1/3 8 16 8 8 4 2 8 |
A B B A A B A C A B A B A C A B A A B C |
[stpd bass] |
Detached stop-key console
Compass: 61/30
Direct electric action
Radiating concave pedalboard
Balanced Swell Pedal
Additional Swell Pedal operating side panel.4
Console details of the 1959 Laukhuff / Whitehouse organ
[Photographs by Simon Colvin (January 2009)]
The instrument was installed in St John's Anglican Cathedral, Brisbane on a temporary basis in 2016, pending repairs to the main organ there.5
1 Date from Whitehouse Bros Records, courtesy of K.M. Whitehouse, 1974, and plaque on console.
2 Personal communication from Kevin M. Whitehouse to G. Cox, 1974.
3 Personal communication from Simon Pierce to G. Cox, 2008.
4 Specification noted at Kelvin Grove by G. Cox, 1973 and 2004.
5 Personal communication from Simon Pierce to G. Cox, 2016.