The Anglican Church of St Peter the Fisherman, Clontarf
[Photograph by Geoffrey Cox (January 2006)]
Historical and Technical Documentation by Geoffrey Cox
© OHTA 2012 (last updated May 2012)
Situated on the Redcliffe Peninsula, north of Brisbane, the Church of St Peter the Fisherman was built in 1993 to accommodate the previously existing congregations of St Barnabas' Anglican Church, Clontarf and St Mark's Anglican Church, Woody Point.1
St Mark's Anglican Church, Woody Point
[Photograph by Howard Baker (early 1990s)]
The organ was built in 1978 by P.D. Collins of St Albans (U.K.), and installed in 1979 at St Mark's Anglican Church, Woody Point.2 It was moved to the present church in June 1993 when St Mark's Church was closed.3
The Collins organ at St Mark's Church, Woody Point
[Photograph by Howard Baker (early 1990s)]
The Collins organ at St Peter the Fisherman Church, Clontarf
[Photograph by Robert Holt (February 2004)]
This instrument is contemporary with the two-manual instrument built by Collins at the time for the Department of Music, University of Queensland, and also with a slightly larger one-manual instrument made for the Melbourne International Festival of Organ and Harpsichord.4 The Clontarf instrument is identical with the upper half of the University of Queensland instrument. A similar organ, just one stop larger, was later supplied by Collins for All Saints' Anglican Church, Berridale, NSW.
The specification of the Clontarf organ is as follows:
MANUAL Wood Gedact Rohr Flute Principal |
8 4 2 |
No pedals
Mechanical action.
Compass: 56 notes.5
Details of the Collins organ at St Peter the Fisherman Church, Clontarf
[Photographs by Robert Holt (February 2004)]
1 Glenda Murrell, Anglican Records and Archive Centre Guide to Records - - accessed January 2004.
2 Personal communication to G. Cox from P.D. Collins, c.1979.
3 Personal communication to G. Cox from Robert Holt (Clontarf), February 2004.
4 The MIFOH organ was sold in 1986 to St Margaret's Anglican Church, Eltham, Vic.
5 Specification supplied by Robert Holt (Clontarf), 2004.