Historical and Technical Documentation by Geoffrey Cox
© OHTA 2012 (last updated September 2012)
The organ formerly in this location is presumed to be of French origin and to date from around 1890 owing to its constructional similarity to French harmoniums. The builder is unknown. It was reportedly imported by an Ipswich doctor for his own use, and may have moved to other locations before reaching this one in Annerley. The instrument was removed in 1956 by John Brooks, a former employee of Whitehouse Bros in Brisbane, to his residence in Canterbury, Victoria.1
Both ranks were of wooden construction and affixed to the windchest without the use of rackboards. The pipework was enclosed behind shutters in the case, controlled by knee swells in the manner of Mustel harmoniums.2
MANUAL Gedackt Flute |
8 4 |
[or Bourdon 8] [or Flûte] |
mechanical action
no pedals
totally enclosed (knee-operated shutters)
This instrument was unfortunately damaged by water around 1980 in Melbourne, and broken up.4
1 Details from John Brooks, supplied in letter from John Maidment to G. Cox, 9 August 1974.
2 Loc. cit.
3 Loc. cit.
4 Personal communication to G. Cox from John Brooks (Coolum Beach, Qld), January 2004.