Zealandia Sculpture Garden and organ

Group photo taken at Zealandia Sculpture Garden [JRM]

Owner, Tim McWhannell demonstrating his "forest" organ. [MQ]

The "Art Gallery" house at Zealandia, Warkworth [MQ]

Zealandia is the home of Terry Stringer and Tim McWhannell. Terry is the sculptor and Tim is the organist. Zealandia Sculpture Garden takes its name from Zealandia, daughter of Britannia and traditional personification of New Zealand. The garden aims to surprise the viewer with a vision in the pastoral New Zealand landscape. Created by artist Terry Stringer, Zealandia sits on a hill at Mahurangi, north of Auckland. The site comprises a gallery building made in the New Zealand shed idiom, surrounded by farmland. Where there was once a cattle yard is created a walled maze garden, and below the ridge is a fine stand of Kauri trees. These spaces form a theatre for the dramatic appearances of the sculpture.

The organ is housed in a small purpose built organ house which nestles in the bush. The instrument was built in 1956 by Peter Matla, of Christchurch, and originally in the Cambridge Methodist Church. This was damaged by fire and the slightly damaged organ sold to Bert Olssen of Devonport who refurbished it and installed it in his home overlooking the harbour. In 2000, the Olssens moved to Wellington and the organ was moved to Zealandia and installed by Bruce Thompson. The installation is a work in progress and as yet not complete; a Stopped Diapason and an Oboe will be installed shortly.

The organ, located in an external building in the garden clad with corrugated iron, is a two-manual extension organ with electric action and seven basic ranks, all enclosed:

Open Diapason
Oboe (prepared for)
Stopped Diapason (prepared for)

Specification and information supplied by Bruce Thompson 2006.
Website http://www.warkworth-information.co.nz/moreinfo.php?Cid=256