St Mark's Anglican Church
Te Aroha

Anonymous, c.1712? rebuilt 1985 George Croft & Son (1/8 mechanical)

Photo MQ

The origins of this instrument are uncertain, with the date of 1712 quoted for its original construction. The upper front oak casework certainly follows the school of Renatus Harris and may have even formed a chair case for a larger instrument. It is understood it was installed in 1769 at All Saints' Church, Baschurch, Shropshire and was there until 1906 when replaced by a larger instrument given by Mr & Mrs F. Sladen. The organ was stored for 14 years in the nearby Sladen mansion and then moved to Benthall Hall for a further seven years. It was given to the new church at Te Aroha in 1927 by Mrs Maud Elizabeth St Barbe Wayne, a daughter of Mrs F. Sladen.

The instrument had acquired a pedal board and Bourdon 16 on electric action and various alterations had taken place to the specification. George Croft & Son rebuilt the instrument using as much original pipework as possible, repairing the casework and installing a new pedalboard and mechanical action for the pedals. It was also moved to an angled alcove at the right of the chancel. The current specification, apart from the pedals, closely approximates the original.

Photo JRM

Anonymous, c.1712? rebuilt 1985 George Croft & Son (1/8 mechanical)

Open Diapason 8
Stopped Diapason 8
Principal 4
Flute 4
Twelfth 2-2/3
Fifteenth 2
Cornet II

Bourdon 16



Pedal pulldowns
Mechanical key & stop action
Wind pressure: 3 inches

Photos Simon Colvin

Photo JRM

Details from George Croft & Son Ltd advertisement, 15th NZAO conference booklet, Wellington, 1986